Government of New Brunswick


This program provides grants to support part of the annual operation costs related to conservation and interpretation of heritage projects proposed by community museums.


Applications under this program are limited to non-profit organizations based in New Brunswick and incorporated as a non-profit organization under the Companies Act.

This program defines a "museum" as a non-profit community institution which:

•Possess legal title to the permanent collection it conserves;
•Own the building in which the museum is housed, or have an agreement for long-term occupancy;
•Is open to the public for at least ten (10) weeks annually.

Art galleries are not eligible for this assistance since they are served by programs managed by other branches in the department.


• The Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture is subject to the Right to Information Act and the Protection of Personal Information Act;
• The applicant hereby acknowledges and agrees that, if awarded a grant, the name of the grant recipient, the recipient’s community, the program name, and the amount of the grant, will be published by the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture on the Government of New Brunswick web site and in the Department’s Annual Report.


This program is designed to help strengthen the organizational capacities of eligible organizations to ensure their ongoing growth and development for the benefits of their communities, to other New Brunswickers, and to interested visitors.

This program supports enhanced conservation and interpretation of heritage resources which are held in trust by community museums.

Level of Funding:
The grant is based on the previous year’s grant and on the strength and merit of the application.

Application process:
Proposals are reviewed once each year.

Organizations wishing to apply must fill out the appropriate form and send all requested documents no later than April 15 of the request year.

*Please refer to the guidelines which contain important information about the criteria and conditions of this program.

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