Government of New Brunswick


The Fine Craft Industry Development Program is designed to promote the development and growth of the New Brunswick fine craft industry through assisting professional artists and industry professionals with costs associated with professional development opportunities, attending in-person and virtual industry events, brand development and market preparedness; ensure fine craft industry entrepreneurs have the skills, capacity and tools to succeed in a global environment; encourage the continuous career development of both emerging and senior artisans as well as advance the sector as a whole; increase opportunities to develop and access new domestic and international markets.

There are two tracks in the Fine Craft Industry Development program. Applicants can apply to one track only:

A: Professional Development
B: Market Development

Deadline: May 31,2024; October 31,2024


Fine craft industry entrepreneurs that have maintained a principal residence in New Brunswick for income tax purposes for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application to the Program.


Level of funding:

Professional Development & Mentorship Support:
- Up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $2,000 for an individual and $4,000 for a group for in-person or virtual events/projects.
Market Development:
- Up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $6,000 for all markets/projects.

* Please refer to the guidelines/program call on the Arts Culture NB Portal which contains important information about deadlines and criteria of this program.

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