Government of New Brunswick


The mandate of the Arts and Cultural Industries Branch, as it relates to the film, TV and new media sector, is to support a viable and culturally significant industry in New Brunswick. To this end, the goals of the NB Film, Television & New Media Industry Support Program are:

1. To foster the stability and success of the industry;
2. To support the maintenance and creation of jobs, the attraction of external investment, the contribution to the GDP and tax revenue;
3. To maximize leverage opportunities; and
4. To contribute to the development and production of quality film, television and new media products that contribute positively to New Brunswick’s cultural and artistic image.


* Please refer to the guidelines/program call on the Arts Culture NB Portal which contains important information about deadlines and criteria of this program.


Applying for a Production Incentive grant

Priority will be given to projects that present a complete financing structure at the time of application, or a reasonable timeline by which complete financing will be secured from all financial partners. THC reserves the right to determine the number of production projects an applicant can submit and/or receive funding for within a given time frame. Only projects that meet eligibility requirements will be considered for funding.

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