Government of New Brunswick


The mandate of the Arts and Cultural Industries Branch, as it relates to the film, TV and new media sector, is to support a viable and culturally significant industry in New Brunswick. To this end, the goals of the NB Film, Television & New Media Industry Support Program are:

1. To foster the stability and success of the industry;
2. To support the maintenance and creation of jobs, the attraction of external investment, the contribution to the GDP and tax revenue;
3. To maximize leverage opportunities; and
4. To contribute to the development and production of quality film, television and new media products that contribute positively to New Brunswick’s cultural and artistic image.


Detailed information on eligible applicants and projects is contained in the “Program Guidelines” link on this page.


Applying for a Development Incentive grant

Development grants are allocated on the basis of eligibility and budget availability. THC reserves the right to determine the number of development projects an applicant can submit and/or receive funding for within a given timeframe.

*Please refer to the guidelines/program call on the Arts Culture NB Portal which contains important information about deadlines and criteria of this program.

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