Government of New Brunswick


The LTAD component of your project must be presented through the use of an LTAD Appendix with your regional or profile application. The LTAD appendix has been set up to support applications from sport partners who seek to increase participation, sustain participation or develop opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport through a LTAD aligned program. The component of the program aims to promote the development of sport at all levels and help organizations develop a coordinated and collaborative service with an emphasis on creating, enhancing and promoting sporting opportunities in the community.


Not-for profit organization, local community sport or recreation organization and municipalities.


The attached guidelines provide the required information to apply for this service.

•Consideration to the first 5 stages of the LTAD model will be supported to ensure athlete development.

•Active Start, FUNdamentals, Learn to Train, Train to Train and Train to Compete

•Priority will be given to organizations of recognize sports that are included in the Olympics, Special Olympics, Paralympics, Commonwealth Games and Canada Games.

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