Government of New Brunswick

Mosquitoes are known to spread several infections.  The risk of exposure to West Nile virus and other mosquito borne illness in New Brunswick is low

The risk of exposure to mosquito borne illness can change depending on where you are bitten. Travelling to countries where viruses and diseases spread by mosquitoes are found increases the risk of illness.  Consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to areas where mosquito borne illness is present.

How to Prevent Mosquito Bites

  1. Protect yourself from bites:
    • Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved, loose fitting, tucked-in shirts, long pants, shoes or boots (not sandals), and a hat.
  2. Use insect repellent on exposed skin
    • It is recommended that adults use repellents that contain DEET (20-30%) or icaridin (20%).
    • It is recommended that children 6 months to twelve years of age use repellents that contain icaridin (20%). As a second choice, this age group can use repellents with age-appropriate DEET concentrations as per label.
    • If bites cannot be avoided using a physical barrier, consider use of up to 10% DEET or 10% icaridin for infants under six months of age.
  3. Protect living areas from mosquito entry:
    • Stay in a well-screened or completely enclosed air-conditioned room.
    • Reduce your risk in work and accommodation areas by closing eaves, eliminating holes in roofs and walls and closing any other gaps.
  4. If mosquito entry into living quarters cannot be otherwise prevented (e.g. by screening):
    • Use a bed net (e.g. for sleeping or resting inside), preferably treated with insecticide.
    • Netting can also be used to protect children in playpens, cribs, or strollers. 
    • Bed nets will also provide protection against diseases like malaria.
  5. Apply a permethrin insecticide to clothing and other travel gear for greater protection
    • Although permethrin is not available in Canada, travel health clinics can advise you how to purchase permethrin and pre-treated gear before or during your trip.
    • Permethrin-treated clothing is effective through several washes.
    • Always follow label instructions when using permethrin.
    • Do not use permethrin directly on skin.