Government of New Brunswick


Made up of partners from both government and non-government agencies who come together to work on violence prevention initiatives within their community.


Government service providers, representatives from community agencies, and members of the community including survivors.


Members of family violence networks share interest, leadership, and willingness to rally around providing integrated and coordinated services to the women who come to them for services. In this way, community responses can be tailored to the distinct realities of each community.
A regional family violence network includes:
• A membership that reflects all aspects of the service and support network, including government services, community agencies, and members of the community (including survivors).
• A clearly defined purpose and mandate with realistic goals and objectives.
• A commitment to work together to address barriers and overcome challenges.
• An administrative structure that lends itself to their needs. The functioning of the network such as, selecting the chair, the frequency and location of meetings, sub-committee structures is decided by the members of the network.

Communities considering forming a regional family violence network should contact the Women’s Equality Branch for more information.