Government of New Brunswick
Respect - Diversity - Inclusion

Many children and students all too often experience exclusion and disrespect. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development believes everyone has the right to learn and work in an environment that values each other’s strengths and uniqueness.

The values of inclusion and respect build a foundation for children and youth to grow into caring citizens. These and other associated values, such as democracy, participation, citizenship and belonging – are increasingly becoming important as we strive to meet the individual needs of our students in the diverse classrooms of the 21st century.

Inclusive education is a pairing of philosophy and pedagogical practices that allow each student to feel respected, confident and safe so he or she can learn and develop to his or her full potential. It is based on a system of values and beliefs centered on the best interests of the student, which promotes social cohesion, belonging, active participation in learning, a complete school experience, and positive interactions with peers and others in the school community.

These values and beliefs will be shared by schools and communities. Inclusive education is put into practice within school communities that value diversity and nurture the well-being and quality of learning of each of their members. Inclusive education is carried out through a range of public and community programs and services available to all students. Inclusive education is the foundation for ensuring an inclusive New Brunswick society.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is committed to establishing greater respect for diversity and inclusion through the prevention of destructive behaviour and the promotion of leadership. Supports will be strengthened in our schools to help students deal with conflict through leadership strategies. Our children and students, as well as the dedicated individuals who work within our school system, deserve positive and healthy learning and working environments. No one person, school, community or government can solve it alone. We must all continue to work together to eliminate it.