FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Arlene Dunn to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day:

It is a privilege to join all New Brunswickers in celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day.

This year marks the 26th anniversary of the creation of this special day of recognition, which is very meaningful for New Brunswick.

The Indigenous Peoples living within New Brunswick have unique histories, traditions and spiritual beliefs, and these continue to enrich our culture and contribute to our diversity and quality of life.

Our government is committed, together with First Nations leadership, to continuing the work on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action. We have made important steps forward, and today we are launching a new website to track our government’s actions on the 31 calls within our purview. We have completed or made progress on 28 of the 31 calls to action, and this new website will allow New Brunswickers to follow along in our progress and keep government accountable in our commitment to reconciliation.

Our province is on a journey to reconciliation. While we are proud of what has been accomplished so far, there is still much work that needs to be done. However, we are confident we will continue to build on our success.

We encourage you to learn more about the history, resilience and leadership of Indigenous Peoples across Canada and throughout our province, and to take some time to reflect on their valuable contributions.

Thank you. Woliwon. Wela’lin.