FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is calling for expressions of interest for participation on the Cannabis Education and Awareness Fund’s advisory committee. The government is also contributing $250,000 to the fund.

“Your government recognizes that there are many components to consider as we prepare for the legalization of recreational-use cannabis,” said Finance Minister Cathy Rogers. “The Cannabis Education and Awareness Fund’s advisory committee will be responsible for advising on what projects could be supported by the fund. I encourage interested parties and individuals that share an interest in corporate social responsibility, research, or education and awareness to put their names forward.”

The committee will be established under the Cannabis Education and Awareness Fund Act and will provide advice and recommendations to the minister of finance. It will have seven members: the chair of the Cannabis Management Corporation or their designate, three senior civil servants, including the chief medical officer of health, and three others who have shared interests in the fund.

The fund will support the research and development, implementation and delivery of programs and policies related to the responsible use of cannabis for recreational purposes, focusing on areas such as education and awareness, abuse prevention and the reduction of adverse health effects. Once the advisory group is established, criteria for project submissions will be finalized and shared with the public.

In addition to the government’s $250,000 contribution, the memorandums of understanding signed by the four cannabis suppliers indicate that two per cent of their gross earnings will go to the fund.

“This contribution is important because it will allow us to begin our work prior to the legalization of cannabis,” said Rogers.

Interested parties are invited to outline their experience and qualifications and submit an expression of interest by email at [email protected] or by mail at: Cannabis Education and Awareness Fund, Department of Finance, Chancery Place, PO Box 6000, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5H1. The deadline for submissions is April 13.